May 14, 2022 | Posted in:Uncategorized

The DD Form 2946 Telework Agreement: What You Need to Know

Telework has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more companies offering their employees the option to work remotely. The military is no exception, and the DD Form 2946 Telework Agreement is the document used to formalize telework arrangements for Department of Defense employees.

What is the DD Form 2946?

The DD Form 2946 is the official Telework Agreement used by the Department of Defense (DoD). This agreement is used by supervisors and employees to formalize telework arrangements for eligible employees of the DoD. The form outlines the terms of the telework arrangement, including the agreed-upon work schedule, work location, equipment requirements, and expectations for performance and communication while working remotely.

Who is eligible for telework?

Not all employees of the DoD are eligible for telework. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis by the employee`s supervisor and is based on factors such as the nature of the job, the employee`s performance history, and the availability of adequate resources. It`s important to note that employees who are eligible for telework are not guaranteed the right to telework and must have the approval of their supervisor.

How to fill out the DD Form 2946

Filling out the DD Form 2946 is straightforward. The employee and supervisor should complete the form together, with both parties agreeing to the terms of the telework arrangement. The form requires information such as the employee`s name, position, and work location, as well as the schedule and location of the employee`s telework days. The form also includes a section for outlining the equipment and resources necessary for the employee to perform their job duties remotely.

Benefits of telework

Telework offers a variety of benefits to both employees and employers. For employees, telework can offer increased flexibility and work-life balance, as well as reduced commuting time and costs. Telework can also offer benefits to employers, such as increased productivity, improved employee retention, and reduced overhead costs.


The DD Form 2946 Telework Agreement is an important tool for formalizing telework arrangements for Department of Defense employees. While not all employees are eligible for telework, those who are can benefit from increased flexibility and reduced commuting time, while employers can benefit from increased productivity and reduced overhead costs. If you`re interested in telework, speak with your supervisor to determine your eligibility and whether telework may be a good fit for your job duties.