October 22, 2021 | Posted in:Uncategorized

Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage in Dubai: Everything You Need to Know

Getting married is an exciting time for couples, but it also requires fulfilling certain legal requirements. In Dubai, the legal capacity to contract marriage is governed by the Personal Status Law, which outlines who can legally get married and under what circumstances.

Who is Eligible to Get Married?

According to the Personal Status Law, both partners must be at least 18 years old and legally eligible to marry. This means that they must not be already married, and if either partner is a widow or widower, they must present a death certificate of their previous spouse.

In addition, both partners must be of sound mind and not suffering from any mental illness that could interfere with their ability to consent to the marriage. A medical certificate may be required to prove this.

Furthermore, the law stipulates that the couple should not be closely related. In Dubai, marriage between first cousins is allowed, but the couple must undergo genetic testing and obtain a medical report to ensure that they do not carry any genetic disorders that could endanger their offspring.

What Documents Are Required?

To apply for a marriage certificate in Dubai, both partners must present the following documents:

– A valid passport or Emirates ID

– A residency visa (if applicable)

– A no-objection certificate (NOC) from the sponsor (if applicable)

– A medical certificate (if required)

– A certificate of marital status (if applicable)

– A declaration of intent to marry

– Two witnesses who must also present their IDs and Emirates ID

In addition, if either partner has been previously married, they must provide a divorce certificate or a death certificate of their previous spouse.

It’s important to note that all documents must be translated into Arabic and attested by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs before they can be submitted.

How to Apply for a Marriage Certificate?

Couples who wish to get married in Dubai can apply for a marriage certificate at any of the Dubai Courts’ marriage offices or through the Dubai Government’s e-services portal.

The process typically involves submitting the necessary documents, paying the required fees, and attending an interview with a judge or a marriage officer. During the interview, the couple will be asked a series of questions to determine their eligibility to marry.

Once the interview is complete, the judge or the marriage officer will issue a marriage certificate, which is valid for 30 days. The couple can then proceed with the wedding ceremony and have their marriage registered with the government.

Final thoughts

Getting married in Dubai requires fulfilling certain legal requirements, including being of legal age, having legal capacity, and providing the necessary documents. It’s important for couples to understand the process and the requirements to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. By following the guidelines outlined in the Personal Status Law, couples can legally contract their marriage and start their new lives together.