November 25, 2021 | Posted in:Uncategorized

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental elements of grammar. It’s important to ensure that the verb in a sentence agrees grammatically with the subject that it is referring to. Failure to adhere to this rule can result in serious grammatical errors that can affect the overall clarity of your writing.

However, while subject-verb agreement might seem straightforward, it can actually be quite tricky. Even the most seasoned writers often struggle with it. In fact, subject-verb agreement is one of the most common grammar mistakes that writers make. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at subject-verb agreement rules and offer some tips to help you improve your writing.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement simply means that the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in their number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural.

For example:

– The cat is sleeping. (singular subject + singular verb)

– The cats are sleeping. (plural subject + plural verb)

This might seem like a basic rule, but there are many instances where subject-verb agreement can get confusing. For example, when dealing with collective nouns, such as “family” or “team,” it can be hard to determine whether the subject is singular or plural.

In such cases, it’s important to consider whether the collective noun is being treated as a single unit or as multiple individuals. For example:

– The team is playing well. (singular subject + singular verb)

– The team are arguing among themselves. (plural subject + plural verb)

Tips for improving your subject-verb agreement:

1. Identify the subject and verb of your sentence

The first step to getting subject-verb agreement right is to identify the subject and verb in your sentence. This might seem obvious, but it’s important to be clear about who or what is performing the action in your sentence.

2. Determine the number of your subject

Once you have identified the subject of your sentence, determine whether it is singular or plural. This will help you determine the correct verb form to use.

3. Pay attention to irregular verbs

Irregular verbs, such as “to be” or “to have,” do not follow the usual subject-verb agreement rules. For example, in the sentence “The team is arguing among themselves,” “is” is the correct verb form to use, even though “team” is a plural noun. This is because “team” is being treated as a single unit.

4. Use a singular verb with “each” and “every”

When using the words “each” or “every” before a noun, the verb used must be singular, even if the noun is plural. For example, “Each of the cats is sleeping” is correct, while “Each of the cats are sleeping” is incorrect.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that should not be overlooked. By paying attention to the number of your subject and using the correct verb form, you can avoid grammatical errors and ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and professional.