Part D Monthly Premium

The chart below shows your estimated prescription drug plan monthly premium based on your income. If your income is above a certain limit, you will pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount in addition to your plan premium.

If Your Yearly Income in 2011 was You pay
File Individual Tax Return File Joint Tax Return
$85,000 or less $170,000 or less Your Plan Premium
above $85,001 up to $107,000 above $170,001 up to $214,000 $11.60 + Your Plan Premium
above $107,001 up to $160,000 above $214,001 up to $320,000 $29.90 + Your Plan Premium
above $160,001 up to $214,000 above $320,001 up to $428,000 $48.30 + Your Plan Premium
above $214,000 above $428,000 $66.60 + Your Plan Premium